[root@r /]#/etc/init.d/httpd restart
httpd 를 정지 중: [실패]
httpd (을)를 시작 중: (2)No such file or directory: httpd: could not open error log file /etc/httpd/logs/error_log.
Unable to open logs
[root@r /]#/etc/init.d/httpd stop
httpd 를 정지 중: [실패]
[root@r /]#/etc/init.d/httpd start
httpd (을)를 시작 중: (2)No such file or directory: httpd: could not open error log file /etc/httpd/logs/error_log.
Unable to open logs
[root@r /]#!v
vim iptables
[root@c.kr /]#/etc/init.d/
atd dc_client halt iscsi lm_sensors netfs proftpd saslauthd syslog
auditd dc_server hidd iscsid lvm2-monitor netplugd psacct sendmail sysstat
avahi-daemon dnsmasq httpd isdn mcstrans network rawdevices shorewall vsftpd
avahi-dnsconfd dund httpd.rpmorig jexec messagebus nscd rdisc single xfs
bluetooth fail2ban ip6tables kdump microcode_ctl ossec readahead_early smartd xinetd
capi functions iptables killall multipathd pand readahead_later snmpd ypbind
cpuspeed gpm irda krb524 mysqld pcscd restorecond snmptrapd yum-updatesd
crond haldaemon irqbalance kudzu netconsole portmap rhnsd sshd
[root@/]#vim /etc/sys
sysconfig/ sysctl.conf syslog.conf
[root@ /]#vim /etc/sys
sysconfig/ sysctl.conf syslog.conf
[root@kr /]#vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables
[root@ /]#cd /var/log
boot.log brcm-iscsi.log cron dmesg maillog messages mysqld.log rpmpkgs secure spooler wtmp xferlog yum.log
[root@ /var/log]#mkdir httpd
[root@kr /var/log]#ls
boot.log brcm-iscsi.log cron dmesg httpd maillog messages mysqld.log rpmpkgs secure spooler wtmp xferlog yum.log
[root@.kr /var/log]#/etc/init.d/
atd dc_client halt iscsi lm_sensors netfs proftpd saslauthd syslog
auditd dc_server hidd iscsid lvm2-monitor netplugd psacct sendmail sysstat
avahi-daemon dnsmasq httpd isdn mcstrans network rawdevices shorewall vsftpd
avahi-dnsconfd dund httpd.rpmorig jexec messagebus nscd rdisc single xfs
bluetooth fail2ban ip6tables kdump microcode_ctl ossec readahead_early smartd xinetd
capi functions iptables killall multipathd pand readahead_later snmpd ypbind
cpuspeed gpm irda krb524 mysqld pcscd restorecond snmptrapd yum-updatesd
crond haldaemon irqbalance kudzu netconsole portmap rhnsd sshd
[root@r /var/log]#/etc/init.d/httpd restart
httpd 를 정지 중: [실패]
httpd (을)를 시작 중: [ OK ]
[root@ac.kr /var/log]#
여점은 /var/log/httpd 폴더를 만들어주세요.
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