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Java JMF tail: cannot open `+309' for reading: No such file or director 진짜 구글에 없는게 없네요 ... Solution is here: http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5368614&tstart=1 First rename the .bin file to .zip Then with any tool, decompress the zip. It gives a comment that the beginning of the file has bytes that are not part of the zip (this is the script), but it decompress it correctly. It places the file in its subdirectory. Then rename the file again to .bin, and exe..
우분투 포트포워딩 진짜 요즘 리눅스가 좋아졌다는 생각이 드는게.. 예전에 포워딩할때 iptables 로 어떻게 하고 했던것 같은데 우분투에서 iptables 어떻게 만지나해서 한참참고 있었는데 레드햇 계열은 sysconfig 에 다 있던걸로 기억하거든요 간단히 되네요 testmaster@master:/usr/local/hadoop/conf$ apt-cache show rinetdPackage: rinetdPriority: optionalSection: universe/netInstalled-Size: 144Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers Original-Maintainer: Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) Architecture: i386Version: 0.62-5.1D..
우분투 Interface dns-nameserver dns가 안될때 혹시나 저 같은 분이 있을까 하고서 올립니다. 일단 오늘 리눅스 시스템을 하나 만들어야 되서 우분투를 설치하였습니다. 제가 현재 사용하는 버전은 Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 입니다.(현재는 12버전까지 나왔습니다. 왜 하필 10버전이냐고 핫기면, 현재 제가 진행중인것이 10버전에서 한거라 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ) 그러니까. 저는 설치할때 , 인터넷 설치과정에서 지금 설치안하고 메뉴얼로 잡는다고 하고서 넘겼습니다. (물론 대부분의 분들은 여기서 설정을 아마 다 하실것입니다. 아니면 자동으로 잡던지요 그러면 생기지 않는 문제입니다.) 약간 지켜보니 다음에 설치하기를 하면 어떤문제가 생기냐면, Resolvconf 가 설치가 안되는것 같습니다. 이게 모냐하면 etc/resolv.conf 즉 네임서버를 입력하는 파일인데 전 ..
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Information Pioneers: Ada Lovelace Information Pioneers: Ada Lovelace from Information Pioneers on Vimeo. http://pioneers.bcs.org/pioneer-profiles/ada-lovelace What is Information Pioneers?Information Pioneers is a campaign from BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, that seeks to show how the contributions of five very different people helped to shape the information society that we live in today.These five short films, created by..
Information Pioneers: Hedy Lamarr Information Pioneers: Hedy Lamarr from Information Pioneers on Vimeo. http://pioneers.bcs.org/2010/5/12/hedy-lamarr What is Information Pioneers?Information Pioneers is a campaign from BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, that seeks to show how the contributions of five very different people helped to shape the information society that we live in today.These five short films, created by an award..
Information Pioneers : Phil Tufnell Sir Clive Sinclair Information Pioneers: Sir Clive Sinclair from Information Pioneers on Vimeo. http://pioneers.bcs.org/2010/5/12/sir-clive-sinclair What is Information Pioneers?Information Pioneers is a campaign from BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, that seeks to show how the contributions of five very different people helped to shape the information society that we live in today.These five short films, creat..
Information Pioneers : Kate Russell Alan Turing Information Pioneers: Alan Turing from Information Pioneers on Vimeo. http://pioneers.bcs.org/pioneer-profiles/alan-turing What is Information Pioneers?Information Pioneers is a campaign from BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, that seeks to show how the contributions of five very different people helped to shape the information society that we live in today.These five short films, created by a..